Mishu grew up in Romania and as a teenager lost his young mother to cancer. This experience impacted his direction towards health care. In 2004, he began his medical career in the USA, getting his nursing bachelors in 2009. Working in hospitals, he sought after opportunities to genuinely help people reach true health, but continued to find the medical system failing at this. At home, Mishu lead his family on a path towards wellness that took them out of the medical system and back to nature, seeking a lifestyle of physical, mental and emotional wellness. Seeking God’s best, he found direction to become a Nurse Coach to step outside of the hospital and connect with people who are ready for something different, ready to find their own path and find true health. Mishu is well known for his ability to listen and encourage. Combining with his experience in allopathic medicine, education in functional medicine, and passion for helping people, Nurse Coaching is his calling.